This hike is full this month, Check again to join our hike next month!
It’s time for Section 5 of Walking with Bartram, and the first stretch of the trail in North Carolina. This is a strenuous section, with a lot of elevation gain over 10.8 miles, but with spectacular geologic features and views from Jones Gap, Scaly Mountain, and Osage Overlook.
We’ll meet at the trailhead on Hale Ridge Rd at 9am and shuttle to Jones Gap to hike Southbound back Hale Ridge.
We hope you’ll join us and experience this unique section of the trail. Come ready to observe, hike, and immerse in nature for the whole day.
This hike is limited to 14 people to minimize impact and keep logistics manageable.
If you are interested in leading hikes on or off the Bartram Trail in the future, let us know!