December 20th Third Friday Workday

Osage Overlook 4594 Dillard Rd, Highlands, NC, United States

We'll  be meeting at Osage Overlook to work on the West Fork Trail and the Hurrah Ridge Trail - two spur trails of the Bartram. Please bring work gloves, good […]


December 27th Walking with Bartram

Lake Nantahala 35°11'30.9"N 83°38'25.2"W, Topton, NC

This month we'll be hiking into one of the most remote areas of the Bartram Trail, through the estimable Nantahala National Forest between Wayah Bald and Nantahala Lake. There is […]


Caminata de Nuevo Año

Warwoman Dell

New Year Hike! ¡Comienza el nuevo año en la naturaleza y acompáñanos en nuestra caminata bilingüe!  Nos reuniremos a las 10 am en el área de estacionamiento de Warwoman. Este […]


January 7th Barkin’ with Bartram

Big Bear Shelter 129 NE Main St, Franklin, NC, United States

UPDATE: This event has been postponed to January 7th. This month you'll get to meet Draco - a 1.5 year old pit mix with a big heart and cute ears. […]


January 8th Split Rail Fence Building

Wallace Branch 1719 Ray Cove Rd, Franklin, North Carolina, United States

The Bartram Trail Conservancy recently received funding from the Legacy Trails Grant to make improvements to the trail between Wallace Branch and Wayah Bald. As part of this, we will […]


January 17th Third Friday Workday

Wallace Branch 1719 Ray Cove Rd, Franklin, North Carolina, United States

We'll be meeting at Wallace Branch Trailhead at 9am. There may still be some snow on the ground, but we will try to get as much dirt work done as […]


Invasive Plant Workday

Tassee Shelter 803 Ulco Dr, Franklin, NC, United States

FROG is partnering with MountainTrue to remove some non-native invasive plants from the Greenway. The work day is scheduled for Jan. 18 or if because of weather, Jan. 25. Help […]

January 28th Trailhead Tuesday

First United Methodist Church 66 Harrison Ave, Franklin, NC, United States

This month we will return to a shorter, afternoon Trailhead Tuesday workday. These events are great if you're looking to get involved but have limited time. We will be focused […]


February 3th Walking with Bartram -Reschedule-

Appletree Campground Topton, NC, United States

Due to the rain during our scheduled Walking with Bartram hike, we will be hosting 2 makeup hikes from Lake Nantahala to Appletree Campground. This is a roughly 6 mile […]


February 7th – Barkin’ with Bartram

Big Bear Shelter 129 NE Main St, Franklin, NC, United States

Join us this month to meet a new sweet dog that is looking for a new home. We'll meet at Big Bear Shelter at 11am and plan to be out […]
